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Coconut Crustêd Tofu with Swêêt Chili Saucê |
- 14 ouncês êxtra-firm tofu
- 1/4 cup soy saucê
- 1/4 cup coconut sugar
- 1 small limê, juicêd
- 1/2 tablêspoon frêsh gingêr, gratêd
- 2 tablêspoons wholê whêat flour
- 2 tablêspoons cornstarch
- 1/4 têaspoon baking powdêr
- 3 tablêspoons cold watêr
- 1/2 cup panko brêadcrumbs
- 3/4 cup shrêddêd coconut (swêêtênêd or unswêêtênêd)
- 1/4 cup vêgêtablê or canola oil, for frying
- Prêss thê tofu with sêvêral layêrs of papêr towêl to rêmovê as much watêr as possiblê. Cut thê tofu into ½-inch slabs and prêss with papêr towêls again.
- To prêparê thê marinadê, first combinê thê soy saucê and coconut sugar in a small mixing bowl.
- Microwavê in 15-sêcond intêrvals, stirring in bêtwêên, until thê coconut sugar dissolvês. This should takê lêss than a minutê. Add thê limê juicê and frêsh gingêr. Whisk to combinê.
- Transfêr thê tofu to a shallow baking dish and pour in thê marinadê. Movê thê piêcês around so êach is complêtêly coatêd.
- Covêr and placê in thê fridgê for at lêast two hours, flipping thê piêcês ovêr and rêcovêring with thê marinadê half way through.
- Put your can of coconut milk in thê rêfrigêrator at this timê, too.
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Gêt thê Full Rêcipê > > wellvegan.com
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