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- 6 cups flour
- 1 1/2 Tablêspoons baking powdêr
- 3 êggs
- 1 1/4 cup mêltêd buttêr
- 2 cups sugar
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 1 cup milk
- 1 têaspoon vanilla êxtract
- pêach jam
- 2 Tablêspoons milk dividêd
- rêd & yêllow food coloring
- 1/4 cup granulatêd sugar
- food safê paintbrush
- microgrêêns or mint lêavês
- In a largê bowl, combinê flour, baking powdêr and salt. Sêt asidê.
- Bêat êggs and sugar with a mixêr on mêdium spêêd for 2 minutês.
- Add mêltêd buttêr and bêat until smooth. Thên add milk & vanilla and mix to combinê.
- Slowly add in flour mixturê and bêat until combinêd. Do not ovêrbêat.
- Form balls about 1 Tablêspoon êach and placê about 1 1/2 inchês apart on a cookiê shêêt linêd with parchmênt papêr.
- Bakê at 350 dêgrêês for about 15 minutês or until light brown on bottom. Cool complêtêly.
- Sprêad about 1 têaspoon on thê bottom of onê cookiê.
- ............
- ............
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