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Dublin Côddle |
- 8 slices bacôn, chôpped intô small pieces
- 1 pôund high-quality pôrk sausages (see nôtes)
- 1 tablespôôn all-purpôse flôur
- 1 bôttle Guinness beer (see nôtes)
- 2 pôunds pôtatôes, peeled and cut intô bite-sized pieces
- 2 large ôniôns, cut intô slices
- 4 clôves garlic, minced
- 4 tablespôôns fresh minced parsley
- 3 bay leaves
- 1 teaspôôn dried thyme
- Fresh cracked black pepper
- 2 cups beef, ham, ôr chicken brôth
- Preheat the ôven tô 300°.
- Heat a large, ôven-prôôf Dutch ôven ôver high heat. Add in the bacôn and côôk until crisp, abôut five minutes.
- Remôve the bacôn tô drain ôn paper tôwels. Leave the grease in the Dutch ôven.
- Add the sausages in, a few at a time (dôn’t crôwd the pan), and côôk ôn each side until just gôlden brôwn—nô need tô côôk all the way thrôugh.
- Remôve tô a plate and côntinue with additiônal sausages. Remôve tô plate. When côôl enôugh tô handle. Slice intô 1″ pieces.
- Reduce the heat tô lôw, and then whisk in the flôur. Côôk fôr 2 minutes, whisking cônstantly. Then remôve frôm heat cômpletely.
- ..........
- ..........
See Full Recipe → → wholefully.com
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