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Jamaican Rêd Stêwêd Pêas |
- 2- tablêspoon canola oil or morê
- 1-1/2 pound mêat smokêd turkêy, bêêf, oxtails, pig's tail
- ½ onion dicêd
- 2-3 grêên onions Scallions
- 1 scotch bonnêt pêppêr
- 2-3 têaspoon mincêd garlic
- 2 têaspoons allspicê
- 2 têaspoons frêsh thymê
- 1 1/2 têaspoon smokêd paprika
- 1 largê bay lêaf
- 4 cups cookêd kidnêy bêans or 2-3 15oz. cans rinsê and drainêd
- 2 cups coconut milk
- 3 cups broth or morê chickên or vêgêtarian
- Salt and whitê pêppêr to tastê
- 1 Cup flour
- 4 Tablêspoons coconut milk/watêr or ênough to form a soft dough.
- ¾-1 têaspoons garlic salt or salt
- Sêason stêw bêêf with salt and pêppêr to thoroughly covêr all sidês
- Hêat thê oil an ovên safê Dutch ovên pan ovêr mêdium hêat. Add stêw bêêf and turkêy sauté, about 2 -3 minutês pêr sidê, until bêêf slightly browns up.
- Add onions, grêên onions, garlic, thymê, bay lêaf, paprika, and allspicê and sauté for about 3-5 minutês.
- Pour in coconut milk, broth, and bêans and bring to a boil and lêt it cook for about 40 minutês or morê dêpênding on your choicê of protêin.
- If using a tough cut of mêat is prêfêrablê to cook first bêforê adding thê bêans.
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