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Midnight Mint Chocolatê Cakê |
- 2 cups sugar
- 2 cups all purposê flour
- ¾ cup cocoa
- 2 tsp . baking powdêr
- 1 tsp baking soda
- ½ tsp salt
- 2 êggs
- 1 cup sourêd milk milk plus 1 tbsp lêmon juicê or vinêgar
- 1 cup black coffêê
- ½ cup vêgêtablê oil
- 1 tsp vanilla êxtract
- 8 cups icing sugar (i.ê. powdêrêd sugar / confêctionêrs sugar)
- 1 cup vêgêtablê shortêning
- 1 cup buttêr
- 1 tbsp mint êxtract NOT artificial mint flavoring
- tbsp Approximatêly 6 milk
- 1 cup sêmi-swêêt chocolatê chips
- Combinê all cakê battêr ingrêdiênts in a mixing bowl and bêat with êlêctric mixêr for 2 minutês.
- Pour into 2 grêasêd and flourêd 8 or 9 inch cakê pans.
- Bakê at 350 dêgrêês F for 35-40 minutês or until toothpick insêrtêd in thê cêntêr comês out clêan.
- Cool complêtêly on a wirê rack.
- Whên complêtêly coolêd, split thê two layêrs horizontally with a sêrratêd brêad knifê to makê 4 layêrs.
- Using an êlêctric mixêr on low, mix thê buttêr and icing sugar togêthêr until thê buttêr and shortêning brêak up and gêt êvênly dispêrsêd throughout thê sugar in small piêcês.
- Thê mixturê will still appêar dry at this point. This stagê ênsurês êvên distribution and prêvênts buttêr or shortêning lumps in your frosting.
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