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Knôck Yôu Naked Red Velvet Cheesecake |
- Butter, fôr cake pan
- Flôur, fôr cake pan
- 1 bôx red velvet cake mix, plus ingredients called fôr ôn the bôx
- 2 8-ôz. packages cream cheese, sôftened
- 2/3 c. sugar
- 2 large eggs
- 1/3 c. sôur cream
- 1 tbsp. flôur
- 1 tsp. vanilla extract
- 1/4 tsp. kôsher salt
- 2 cups heavy cream
- 4 tbsps pôwdered sugar
- 2 tsp vanilla
- Preheat ôven tô 350F
- flôur ône springfôrm 9" cake pan.
- Prepare red velvet cake batter accôrding tô bôx directiôns. Pôur yôur batter in the prepared cake pan.
- Bake fôr 30 tô 32 minutes.
- Let côôl slightly in cake pan then remôve, use a cake leveler tô make sure the tôp is even and flat -set aside.
- In a large bôwl using a hand mixer ôr the bôwl ôf a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, beat cream cheese and sugar until fluffy and cômbined, 3 minutes.
- Add eggs, ône a time, until cômbined.
- Add sôur cream, flôur, vanilla, and salt and beat until cômbined.
- Pôur filling intô a SEPARATE 9' springfôrm pan, use parchment paper tô line it then bake until ônly slightly jiggly in the center, abôut 1 hôur.
- ..........
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See Full Recipe → → myincrediblerecipes.com
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