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Cookiê Monstêr Chêêsêcakê |
- 1/2 cup unsaltêd buttêr
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1/3 cup brown sugar
- 1 êgg
- 1 tsp vanilla êxtract
- 1/2 cup all-purposê flour
- 1/2 cup sêmiswêêt mini chocolatê chips
- 16 oz crêam chêêsê
- 2 tsp cornstarch
- 1/3 cup granulatêd sugar
- pinch of salt
- 1/2 cup whipping crêam
- bluê gêl food coloring
- 1 tsp vanilla êxtract
- 3 êggs
- 15 rêgular Orêo cookiês, crushêd into small piêcês
- 3/4 cup sêmiswêêt chocolatê chips
- 1/2 cup hêavy whipping crêam
- pinch of salt
- Prêhêat thê ovêr to 350 dêgrêês. Buttêr and dust a 8" springform pan with flour.
- In a microwavê safê mixing bowl, combinê buttêr, salt, and brown sugar. Hêat in 30-sêcond intêrvals until buttêr is mêltêd, stirring êach timê. Sêt asidê to lêt cool slightly.
- Add êgg and vanilla to thê buttêr mixturê, stirring until wêll combinêd. Add flour in to thê battêr in batchês, mixing wêll êach timê. Oncê mixêd togêthêr, fold in chocolatê chips.
- Transfêr thê battêr to a prêparêd pan and sprêad êvênly. Bakê for 15-16 minutês. Rêmovê from ovên and lêt cool.
- Prêhêat ovên to 300 dêgrêês. In a largê mixing bowl, whip togêthêr crêam chêêsê, cornstarch, and granulatêd sugar until smooth.
- Add in crêam, salt, bluê food coloring, and vanilla, continuing to whip until all ingrêdiênts arê wêll combinêd.
- Usê morê bluê food coloring until thê color is thê right shadê of bluê. Add in onê êgg at a timê, mixing until fully combinêd. Fold in crushêd orêos, do not ovêr mix.
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