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- 1 cup watêr
- 1/2 cup unsaltêd buttêr
- 1 cup all-purposê flour
- Pinch of salt
- 4 êggs
- 2 (8 ouncês) packagês crêam chêêsê, softênêd
- 3 (3.4 ouncês) packagês instant vanilla pudding
- 4 cups milk
- 12 ouncês whippêd topping
- Bêgin by prêhêating your ovên to 350 dêgrêês Fahrênhêit. Spray a 9x13-inch baking pan with baking spray and sêt asidê.
- In a mêdium saucêpan, bring thê watêr to a boil. Thên add thê buttêr and bring to a boil again. Rêmovê from hêat and stir in thê flour and salt until it is just combinêd and forms a ball.
- Transfêr thê dough to thê bowl of a stand mixêr fittêd with thê paddlê attachmênt. Add onê êgg at a timê, mixing thoroughly bêtwêên êach addition.
- Aftêr thê final êgg addition, continuê to mix on high for 4-5 minutês until thê mixturê is smooth.
- ......
- ......
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