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Swêêt Potato Black Bêan Burgêrs |
- 1 tablêspoon ground flaxsêêd mêal+3 tablêspoons watêr (or 1 êgg)
- 1 cup cookêd mashêd swêêt potato (from 1 largê or 2 smallêr swêêt potatoês)
- 1/2 cup cookêd quinoa
- 1 (15 ouncê) can black bêans, drainêd and rinsêd
- 1/4 cup loosêly packêd frêsh choppêd cilantro
- 1 têaspoon chili powdêr
- 1/2 têaspoon ground cumin
- 1/2 têaspoon orêgano
- 1/8 têaspoon garlic salt
- 1/4 têaspoon salt
- 1 tablêspoon limê juicê
- oil
- Instructions
- Mix togêthêr your flaxsêêd mêal and watêr and sêt it asidê until it gêls.
- Placê all ingrêdiênts in a bowl and mix wêll. Usê a potato mashêr or thê back of a largê spoon to mash thê bêans, lêaving a fêw in tact for têxturê.
- In a largê skillêt, hêat a thin layêr of oil ovêr mêdium high hêat.
- Form thê swêêt potato mixturê into 6 pattiês.
- ..........
- ..........
Gêt thê Full Rêcipê > > happyhealthymama.com
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