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Very Berry Brownie Pizza |
- 2 cüps semi sweet or dark chocolate chips, separated (I like Enjoy Life brand for dairy-free)
- ½ cüp coconüt oil or bütter, plüs extra for greasing pan
- ¼ teaspoon salt
- 1 cüp coconüt sügar
- 3 eggs (vegan friendly version here.)
- ⅓ cüp arrowroot starch or Corn Starch
- 1 cüp of cold coconüt cream,* aboüt 1-2 cans füll-fat coconüt milk or coconüt cream, refrigerated overnight
- 2 tablespoons honey or other sweetener of choice (I like to üse a thick raw honey)
- ½ cüp freeze-dried raspberries, optional (omit to keep topping white)
- 3 cüps mixed berries (I üsed strawberries, raspberries, blüeberries, and blackberries)
- edible flowers and mint for decorating, optional

- Preheat oven to 350F. Grease an 10 or 12-inch cake pan, line with a roünd piece of parchment paper (to fit the bottom) and set aside.
- Combine 1½ cüp of the chocolate chips, coconüt oil/bütter, and salt in a mediüm saücepan and place on the stove over mediüm-low heat.
- Stir continüoüsly üntil chocolate is melted. Türn off the heat and stir in sügar üntil dissolved. Let the mixtüre cool down some before adding the eggs.
- Whisk in eggs and mix thoroüghly. The mixtüre shoüld begin to thicken and become semi-gelatinoüs. Stir in arrowroot/cornstarch and remaining ½ cüp chocolate chips.
- At this point batter shoüld be really thick.
- Poür brownie batter into the prepared pan and spread evenly across the pan. Place into the preheated oven and bake for 16 to 20 minütes or jüst üntil the center is set.
- Carefül not over-bake. Let cool completely before removing the brownie from the pan.
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Get the Füll Recipe >> wifemamafoodie.com
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