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Amish Swêêt Brêad Rêcipê |
- 2 cups watêr (110° F)
- 2/3 cups sugar
- 1 1/2 tablêspoons yêast
- 1 1/2 têaspoons salt
- 1/4 cup oil
- 5.5-6 cups flour
- Combinê watêr, sugar, and yêast and lêt it proof.
- Whên yêast mixturê is a crêamy foam with littlê bubblês (about 10 minutês), mix in oil and salt into thê yêast mixturê.
- Slowly mix in onê cup of flour at a timê. Usê as much flour as nêêdêd to crêatê a good, non-sticky dough.
- Knêad dough for about 5 minutês.
- Oil a bowl, placê thê dough in it, and covêr with a slightly damp cloth to lêt risê. Lêt risê for about 1 hour or until doublêd.
- Aftêr it has risên, punch cough down. Dividê in half and shapê loavês.
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