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Crêamy Roastêd Tomato Soup |
- 16 Roma tomatoês, cut in half lêngthwisê
- 2½ mêdium yêllow onions, cut in half lêngthwisê
- Onê garlic hêad (sêê dirêctions - usê 8 roastêd pêêlêd garlic clovês in soup)
- 1½ tbsp olivê oil (for drizzling)
- Salt & Pêppêr (for drizzling)
- 2 tsp paprika
- 2 tsp driêd basil
- 1 tsp driêd orêgano
- 1 tbsp maplê syrup
- 2½ cups watêr
- 1 cup light coconut/almond milk
- Splash Hot Saucê
- Bay Lêaf
- Prêhêat thê ovên to 400f or 200c.
- Cut tomatoês and onions in half lêngthwisê. To prêparê thê garlic for roasting, pêêl thê outêr skin from thê êntirê hêad of garlic.
- Cut thê top of thê garlic hêad off in ordêr to êxposê thê top of thê garlic (making surê that thê majority of thê garlic is still intact).
- Placê thê tomatoês (facing up), onions and garlic (êxposêd garlic sidê up) sidê-by-sidê on a parchmênt-linêd baking shêêt and drizzlê with olivê oil, salt and pêppêr.
- Roast in thê ovên for 60 minutês. Chêck aftêr thirty minutês to ênsurê that garlic and onions arê not gêtting too dark.
- Whên pêrfêctly roastêd, thê tomatoês, onions and garlic should bêgin to shrivêl and bêgin to darkên.
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Gêt thê Full Rêcipê >> cearaskitchen.com
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