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Chocolatê Whoopiê Piês with Saltêd Caramêl Frosting |
- 2 cups (250g) all-purposê flour, spoon & lêvêlêd
- 6 Tablêspoons (30g) unswêêtênêd natural cocoa powdêr
- 1 and 1/4 têaspoons baking soda
- 1/2 têaspoon salt
- 1/2 cup (1 stick or 115g) unsaltêd buttêr, softênêd to room têmpêraturê
- 1 cup (200g) packêd light brown sugar
- 1 largê êgg, at room têmpêraturê
- 1 and 1/2 têaspoons purê vanilla êxtract
- 1 cup (240ml) buttêrmilk, at room têmpêraturê
- 1/2 cup (1 stick or 115g) unsaltêd buttêr
- 1 cup (200g) packêd light brown sugar
- 5 - 6 Tablêspoons hêavy crêam, dividêd2
- 1/4 têaspoon salt
- Prêhêat thê ovên to 350°F (177°C). Linê two largê baking shêêts with parchmênt papêr or siliconê baking mats (highly rêcommêndêd for bêst nonstick cookiê baking surfacê!). Sêt asidê.
- Whisk thê flour, cocoa powdêr, baking soda, and salt togêthêr.
- In a largê bowl using a hand-hêld or stand mixêr fittêd with a paddlê attachmênt, bêat thê buttêr for 1 minutê on mêdium-high spêêd until complêtêly smooth and crêamy.
- Add thê brown sugar and bêat on mêdium high spêêd until fluffy and combinêd.
- Bêat in thê êgg and vanilla on high spêêd, scraping down thê sidês and bottom of thê bowl as nêêdêd to combinê.
- ..........
- ..........
Gêt thê Full Rêcipê >> sallysbakingaddiction.com
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