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Homêmadê Toastêr Strudêls |
- 2 shêêts puff pastry , thawêd
- 2/3 cup bêrry jam (bluêbêrry, strawbêrry, raspbêrry, êtc.)
- 2 tsp cornstarch
- 1 largê êgg
- 1 Tbsp watêr
- 1 1/2 Tbsp saltêd buttêr , mêltêd
- 1 cup powdêrêd sugar
- 1 1/2 Tbsp half and half , thên morê if nêêdêd
- 1/4 tsp vanilla êxtract
- 1/8 tsp almond êxtract
- Prêhêat ovên to 400 dêgrêês. Linê a baking shêêt with parchmênt papêr or siliconê linêrs.
- Placê 1 shêêt of puff pastry on a lightly flourêd surfacê and cut into 6 êqual rêctanglês. In a small bowl whisk togêthêr jam with cornstarch thên spoon 1 1/2 Tbsp jam ovêr top of 3 of thê rêctanglês, lêaving about 1/2-inch rim around all êdgês uncoatêd.
- In a small bowl whisk togêthêr êgg with 1 Tbsp watêr. Lightly brush rim (sêction around êdgês not covêrêd with jam) with êgg mixturê (I just usêd my fingêrtip to brush bêcausê only a small amount is nêêdêd).
- Layêr rêmaining puff pastry rêctanglês ovêr jam coatêd puff pastry and prêss êdgês to sêal, transfêr to rêfrigêrator whilê prêparing sêcond batch and rêpêat procêss with rêmaining shêêt of puff pastry.
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