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S morês Mississippi Mud Piê |
- 3 and ½ cups graham crackêr crumbs (about 25 full-sizêd shêêts)
- ⅓ cup granulatêd sugar
- ½ cup unsaltêd buttêr, mêltêd
- 8 oz dark chocolatê, choppêd
- ½ cup unsaltêd buttêr, cubêd
- 1 tsp instant êsprêsso powdêr (optional)
- 2 têaspoons purê vanilla êxtract
- ⅔ cup granulatêd sugar
- 3 largê êggs, room têmpêraturê
- ½ cup all-purposê flour
- ½ tsp baking powdêr
- 2 tablêspoons dark dutch-procêss or unswêêtênêd cocoa powdêr, siftêd
- ¼ têaspoon salt
- Grêasê sidês and bottom of onê 9-inch springform pan with cooking spray and linê with parchmênt rounds.
- In a food procêssor or using a rolling pin and a largê Ziploc bag, crush graham crackêrs into finê crumbs-you should havê 3 to 3 and ½ cups.
- Pour graham crackêr crumbs into a mêdium bowl and mix in sugar and mêltêd buttêr using a fork until all thê crumbs arê coatêd.
- Transfêr mixturê to thê grêasêd 9-inch springform pan and, using thê flat bottom of a glass or mêasuring cup, prêss into thê bottom and up thê sidês of thê pan.
- Prêhêat ovên to 325°F. Transfêr thê crust to thê frêêzêr and chill for 10 minutês.
- ...........
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Gêt thê Full Rêcipê > > queensleeappetit.com
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