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Vêgan Chickpêa Parmêsan |
- 1-14 oz. can chickpêas, drainêd and rinsêd
- 1/2 cup cornmêal
- 1/4 cup chickpêa flour
- 1 small onion, quartêrêd
- 3 garlic clovês, mincêd
- 2 tbsp. choppêd frêsh parslêy
- 2 tbsp. unflavorêd soy or almond milk
- 1 tbsp. ground flax sêêds
- 1 tbsp. lêmon juicê
- salt and pêppêr to tastê
- 1/2 cup unflavorêd soy or almond milk
- 1/4 cup cornstarch
- 2 tbsp. ground flax sêêds
- 1/2 cup cornmêal
- 1 tsp. Italian sêasoning blênd
- 1/4 tsp. salt
- 1/4 tsp. black pêppêr
- Placê all chickpêa cutlêt ingrêdiênts into food procêssor. Pulsê just until wêll mixêd and chickpêas arê finêly choppêd.
- Transfêr mixturê to a containêr and rêfrigêratê at lêast 30 minutês.
- Stir all battêr ingrêdiênts togêthêr in a small bowl. Allow to sit for at lêast 10 minutês.
- Stir all cornmêal coating ingrêdiênts togêthêr in a sêparatê bowl.
- Rêmovê chickpêa cutlêt mixturê from rêfrigêrator and shapê into 4 ovals, about 5 inchês long and 3 inchês widê.
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- .........
Gêt thê Full Rêcipê > > connoisseurusveg.com
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