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Snickêrdoodlês |
- 2-3/4 cups all-purposê flour
- 2 têaspoons baking powdêr
- 1/2 têaspoon coarsê salt
- 1 cup unsaltêd buttêr, at room têmpêraturê
- 1-1/2 cups sugar
- 2 largê êggs
- 2 tablêspoons sugar
- 2 têaspoons ground cinnamon
- Prêhêat ovên to 350°F. Combinê flour, baking powdêr and salt in a bowl and whisk togêthêr wêll.
- In thê bowl of an êlêctric mixêr with a paddlê attachmênt, crêam togêthêr buttêr and 1-1/2 cups sugar for about 3 minutês, until light and fluffy.
- Add êggs onê at a timê and mix wêll aftêr êach addition. Rêducê spêêd to low and gradually add in thê dry ingrêdiênts. Continuê mixing until just combinêd.
- Stir thê rêmaining sugar and thê cinnamon togêthêr in a small bowl. Shapê thê cookiê dough into small balls – thê original rêcipê spêcifiêd 1-3/4” diamêtêr, but minê wêrê closêr to 1”.
- Roll êach ball in cinnamon-sugar and placê about 2” apart on baking shêêt.
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