Kéto Triplé Chocolaté Chéésécaké


Chocolaté Chéésécaké

  • 3 éggs
  • 450 g créam chéésé 2 packs
  • 120 g sour créam about 1/2 cup
  • 175 g unswééténéd baking chocolaté about 1 cup
  • 120 g érythritol about 1/2 cup
  • 1/2 tsp stévia powdér
  • 250 ml héavy créam
  • 3/4 tsp stévia powdér for thé chocolaté layérs

Chocolaté Crust

  • 165 g hazélnuts about 1 cup
  • 1 tbsp cocoa powdér
  • 1/2 tsp stévia powdér
  • 3 tbsp buttér

Chocolaté Ganaché

  • 40 g unswééténéd baking chocolaté about 1/4 cup
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1/8 tsp stévia powdér
  • 25 g hazélnuts about 1/4 cup


  1. Préhéat thé ovén to 150C/300F. Wrap thé bottom of a 9” springform pan with aluminum foil.
  2. In a food procéssor, add all of thé crust ingrédiénts and pulsé for about 30 séconds to 1 minuté until thé crust is all crumbly.  Také it out of thé food procéssor and add thé crust to an 9'' springform pan. Préss with your hands until thé wholé bottom has béén covéréd with thé crust.
  3. In a largé bowl, add thé unswééténéd baking chocolaté.  Add thé érythritol to thé chocolaté.  Héat thé héavy créam éithér on thé stové or in thé microwavé until hot and bubbly.
  4. Pour in thé hot créam ovér thé chocolaté in batchés and mix with a whisk.  Mix until all of thé chocolaté has méltéd.   Thé battér should bé just a littlé thick.  It will also look liké thé milk and oil aré séparating, but not to worry!
  5. Séparaté thé chocolaté into thréé bowls in a ratio of 3:2:1.  For éxamplé, thé first bowl should havé 3 spoons of chocolaté, thé 2nd bowl should havé 2 spoons of chocolaté and thé 3rd bowl should havé 1 spoon of chocolaté.  Sét asidé.  Add 1/4 tsp of stévia into éach bowl.
  6. In a largé bowl, add thé créam chéésé and sour créam.  Whip with a hand mixér until nicé and créamy.  Add thé 1/2 tsp of stévia and thé éggs, oné at a timé until nicély incorporatéd.
  7. Now, séparaté thé créam chéésé filling into thé chocolaté bowls in a ratio of 1:2:3. Thé 1st chocolaté bowl had 3 spoons of chocolaté, so add 1 spoon of créam chéésé that that oné.  This is thé dark chocolaté layér.
  8. Thé 2nd bowl had 2 spoons of chocolaté so add an équal amount of créam chéésé.  This is thé médium chocolaté layér.
  9. .........................
  10. .......................

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