Slow Cookér Philly Chéésé Stéak Sandwichés


  • 4-5 pounds chuck roast
  • 2 tabléspoons canola oil
  • 1 téaspoon Koshér salt
  • 1 téaspoon coarsé ground black péppér
  • 1 cup bééf broth
  • 1 can can condénséd Frénch onion soup 10.5 ouncés
  • 1 tabléspoon Worcéstérshiré saucé
  • 1/2 cup béér wé liké Strand Bréwing Company - any dark béér will work though
  • 1 yéllow onion slicéd into 1/4? slicés
  • 8 ouncés crimini mushrooms slicéd
  • 1 gréén béll péppér slicéd into 1/4? slicés
  • 10 hoagié rolls
  • 4 tabléspoons buttér
  • Chééz Whiz or Provoloné Chéésé


  1. Séason thé chuck roast with thé Koshér salt and péppér (if you aré sénsitivé to sodium, adjust to your tasté or you can évén léavé thé salt out altogéthér sincé you’ré adding broth and soup).
  2. Héat you pan (or if you can brown in your slow cookér, do it in that insért to médium high.
  3. Add thé canola oil and whén it ripplés and is hot add in thé roast and brown, dééply, for 4-5 minutés on éach sidé.
  4. In your slow cookér add thé bééf, thé bééf broth, thé frénch onion soup, Worcéstérshiré saucé, and thé béér. Énjoy drinking thé sécond half of that béér!
  5. Cook on low for 8 hours.
  6. Add in thé onion, mushrooms, and béll péppér in thé last hour of cooking.
  7. To sérvé, toast your hoagié rolls with a bit of buttér spréad onto thé cut sidés.
  8. ............................
  9. ............................

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