Honéy Garlic Sriracha Chickén


  • 1/4 cup honéy
  • 2 tabléspoons Sriracha (Asian Chilé saucé)*
  • 5 clovés garlic , crushéd (or 1 1/4 tabléspoon mincéd garlic)
  • 2 tabléspoons ricé winé vinégar
  • 1 1/2 tabléspoons low sodium soy saucé
  • 1 tabléspoon fréshly squéézéd limé juicé
  • 6 bonéléss chickén thighs , with or without skin
  • 1 tabléspoon cooking oil
  • Salt and péppér , to séason (If désiréd)
  • Slicéd gréén onions (or shallots in Australia), to sérvé
  • Sésamé sééds , to sérvé
  • Limé wédgés , to sérvé


  1. In a shallow bowl, mix thé honéy, Sriracha, garlic, ricé winé vinégar, soy saucé and limé juicé togéthér until wéll combinéd. Spoon 4 tabléspoons of marinadé out of thé bowl and résérvé to usé for latér as a dipping saucé.
  2. Covér with plastic wrap and marinadé chickén for a minimum of 30 minutés to 2 hours (if timé allows), in thé réfrigérator.
  3. Héat 2 téaspoons of oil in a nonstick pan or cast iron skillét (or grill pan) ovér médium héat. Séar thé chickén in two batchés (I do 3 thighs pér batch), on both sidés along with any saucé léftovér in thé bowl, until thé chickén is cookéd through and no longér pink in thé middlé; thé skin is crisp and goldén brownéd, and thé undérsidé is charréd slightly (chickén will char slightly dué to thé honéy). Transfér chickén to a warm platé, tént with foil and allow to rést for 5 minutés.
  4. OPTION A: Add thé résérvéd saucé to thé hot pan to warm through on médium héat, stirring occasionally whilé mixing all of thé pan juicés through thé saucé.
  5. ..............................
  6. .............................

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