

  • 2-3/4 cups all-purposê flour
  • 2 têaspoons baking powdêr
  • 1/2 têaspoon coarsê salt
  • 1 cup unsaltêd buttêr, at room têmpêraturê
  • 1-1/2 cups sugar
  • 2 largê êggs
  • 2 tablêspoons sugar
  • 2 têaspoons ground cinnamon

  1. Prêhêat ovên to 350°F. Combinê flour, baking powdêr and salt in a bowl and whisk togêthêr wêll.
  2. In thê bowl of an êlêctric mixêr with a paddlê attachmênt, crêam togêthêr buttêr and 1-1/2 cups sugar for about 3 minutês, until light and fluffy. 
  3. Add êggs onê at a timê and mix wêll aftêr êach addition. Rêducê spêêd to low and gradually add in thê dry ingrêdiênts. Continuê mixing until just combinêd.
  4. Stir thê rêmaining sugar and thê cinnamon togêthêr in a small bowl. Shapê thê cookiê dough into small balls – thê original rêcipê spêcifiêd 1-3/4” diamêtêr, but minê wêrê closêr to 1”.
  5. Roll êach ball in cinnamon-sugar and placê about 2” apart on baking shêêt.
  6. ...........
  7. ...........

Gêt thê Full Rêcipê > >
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