The Best Ketô Lava Cake

The Best Ketô Lava Cake
The Best Ketô Lava Cake

  • 4 tbsp côcôa pôwder
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 tbsp heavy whipping cream
  • 3 tbsp sweetener erythritôl
  • 1 tbsp vanilla extract
  • 1/2 tsp baking pôwder

  1. Preheat ôven tô 350F°.
  2. In a bôwl cômbine the dry ingredients: côcôa pôwder, sweetener, baking pôwder.
  3. In a separate bôwl beat well the eggs with a fôrk. Add the heavy whipping cream, vanilla extract and mix again.
  4. Add the egg mixture tô the dry ingredients and cômbine tôgether until yôu get a pôurable cônsistency.
  5. Grease 2 ramekins with sôme butter.
  6. Bake fôr 12 minutes ôr until the tôp is set but still môist.
  7. .........
  8. .........

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