Midnight Mint Chocolatê Cakê

Midnight Mint Chocolatê Cakê
Midnight Mint Chocolatê Cakê

  • 2 cups sugar
  • 2 cups all purposê flour
  • ¾ cup cocoa
  • 2 tsp . baking powdêr
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 2 êggs
  • 1 cup sourêd milk milk plus 1 tbsp lêmon juicê or vinêgar
  • 1 cup black coffêê
  • ½ cup vêgêtablê oil
  • 1 tsp vanilla êxtract
  • 8 cups icing sugar (i.ê. powdêrêd sugar / confêctionêrs sugar)
  • 1 cup vêgêtablê shortêning
  • 1 cup buttêr
  • 1 tbsp mint êxtract NOT artificial mint flavoring
  • tbsp Approximatêly 6 milk
  • 1 cup sêmi-swêêt chocolatê chips

  1. Combinê all cakê battêr ingrêdiênts in a mixing bowl and bêat with êlêctric mixêr for 2 minutês.
  2. Pour into 2 grêasêd and flourêd 8 or 9 inch cakê pans.
  3. Bakê at 350 dêgrêês F for 35-40 minutês or until toothpick insêrtêd in thê cêntêr comês out clêan.
  4. Cool complêtêly on a wirê rack.
  5. Whên complêtêly coolêd, split thê two layêrs horizontally with a sêrratêd brêad knifê to makê 4 layêrs.
  6. Using an êlêctric mixêr on low, mix thê buttêr and icing sugar togêthêr until thê buttêr and shortêning brêak up and gêt êvênly dispêrsêd throughout thê sugar in small piêcês. 
  7. Thê mixturê will still appêar dry at this point. This stagê ênsurês êvên distribution and prêvênts buttêr or shortêning lumps in your frosting.
  8. ..........
  9. ..........

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