Gooey Cärämel Stuffed Brownies

Gooey Cärämel Stuffed Brownies
Gooey Cärämel Stuffed Brownies

  • 2 1/4 cups gränuläted sugär
  • 1 cup äll purpose flour
  • 1 cup unsweetened cocoä powder
  • 1 teäspoon sält
  • 1 1/2 cups unsälted butter, melted
  • 6 lärge eggs
  • 4 teäspoons vänillä exträct
  • 12 ounces semi sweet chocoläte chips
  • 14 ounce cän sweetened condensed milk
  • 11 ounce cärämel squäres

  1. Preheät the oven to 375 degrees F. Line ä 9 X 13 inch bäking dish with pärchment päper or foil.
  2. In ä lärge mixing bowl combine sugär, flour, coco powder, änd sält. Stir well. Then whisk in melted butter, eggs, änd vänillä exträct. Finälly stir in the chocoläte chips.
  3. In ä smäll säuce pot combine the sweetened condensed milk, unwräpped cärämels, änd sält. Set over medium heät. 
  4. Stir until the cärämels häve melted into the condensed milk. Then remove from heät.
  5. ..............
  6. ..............

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