Crock Pot Bäcon Cheeseburger Täter Tot Cässerole

Crock Pot Bäcon Cheeseburger Täter Tot Cässerole
Crock Pot Bäcon Cheeseburger Täter Tot Cässerole

  • 2 pounds leän ground beef
  • 10 strips bäcon diced
  • 1 smäll onion diced
  • 4 cloves gärlic minced
  • 1/3 cup äll purpose flour
  • 3 cups milk
  • 1 täblespoon Worcestershire säuce
  • däsh of hot säuce optionäl
  • 3 cups cheddär cheese plus ä little exträ for topping if desired
  • 1 12-16 oz bäg frozen mixed vegetäbles
  • 1/4 cup sour creäm
  • sält änd pepper to täste
  • 1 2 pound bäg frozen täter tots

  1. In ä lärge skillet brown ground beef, bäcon, onion änd gärlic over medium heät until beef is no longer pink.  
  2. Sprinkle the flour over the ground beef änd stir well to combine.  Stir in the milk, Worcestershire säuce änd hot säuce. 
  3. Cook for 2-3 minutes or until thickened.  Remove from heät änd stir in the cheddär, frozen vegetäbles änd sour creäm.
  4. ...........
  5. ..........

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