Strawbêrry Coconut Tarts

Strawbêrry Coconut Tarts
Strawbêrry Coconut Tarts

  • 1/2 cup buttêr, softênêd
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 2 êggs
  • 1 cup shrêddêd coconut
  • 1 tsp vanilla êxtract
  • 1/4 cup strawbêrry jam
  • 12 frozên tart shêlls, thawêd

  1. Prêhêat ovên to 350F.
  2. Bêat buttêr, sugar and êggs in a largê bowl until smooth. Stir in coconut and vanilla.
  3. Placê tarts on a baking shêêt. Spoon 1 tsp jam into êach tart. Top with 1 tbsp of coconut mixturê.
  4. ..........
  5. ..........

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