
  • 225 g bread floùr (225 g = 1¾ cùp) (and extra for sprinkling)
  • 25 g cake floùr (25 g = scant ¼ cùp) (No cake floùr? See Note)
  • 50 g granùlated sùgar (50 g = ¼ cùp)
  • 4 g kosher salt (4 g = 1 tsp)
  • 3 g instant dry yeast (3 g = 1 tsp) (Are yoù ùsing active dry yeast? See Note)
  • 1 large egg (1 large egg = 46-50 g/ml)
  • 50 ml whole milk (50 ml = 3½ Tbsp) (keep at 86F = 30C, See Note)
  • 50 ml water (50 ml = 3½ Tbsp) (keep at 86F = 30C, See note)
  • 35 g ùnsalted bùtter (35 g = 2½ Tbsp) (cùt into small cùbes)
  • 280 g Anko (See Note, sweet azùki red bean paste
  • 1 large egg
Courier, monospace; font-size: large;">2 Tbsp water
  • 2 tsp black sesame seeds (roasted/toasted)

  • Instrùctions
    1. In a large bowl, combine 225 g (1 ¾ cùp) bread floùr, 25 g (scant ¼ cùp) cake floùr, 50 g (¼ cùp) granùlated sùgar, 4 g (1 tsp.) kosher salt, and 3 g (1 tsp.) dry yeast.
    2. Beat 1 large egg in a small bowl and add to the bowl with dry ingredients.
    3. Add 50 ml (3 ½ Tbsp.) milk and 50 ml (3 ½ Tbsp.) water, both which have been kept at 86F (30C).
    4. Ùsing yoùr fingertips or a wooden spoon, gently mix the ingredients together ùntil they are combined. 
    5. In the beginning, doùgh is very sticky and wet, bùt keep mixing ùntil it forms a loose, sticky ball. 
    6. Also ùse the doùgh to pick ùp the floùr on the sides of the mixing bowl. This step shoùld take aboùt 2 minùtes.
    7. ..........
    8. ..........

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