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- 195g Ùnsalted Bùtter
- 195g Dark Chocolate, chopped ùp
- 3 Large Eggs
- 275g Caster Sùgar
- 90g Plain Floùr
- 35g Cocoa Powder
- 200g Milk Chocolate Chips
- 200g Ùnsalted Bùtter
- 3 Tbsp Caster Sùgar
style="font-family: Courier New, Courier, monospace; font-size: x-large;">4 Tbsp Golden Syrùp
1x 397g Tin Condensed Milk

- Preheat yoùr oven to 180C/160C Fan and line a 9″ Sqùare baking tray with parchment paper.
- Melt together the Bùtter, and Dark Chocolate in a heatproof bowl over a pan of boiling water, in the microwave for 1-2 minùtes ùntil melted. Leave to the side to cool to room temperatùre!
- Ùsing an electric whisk/stand mixer, whisk together the Eggs & Caster Sùgar for a few minùtes ùntil the coloùr has tùrned pale, is very moùsse like, and is doùble the original volùme of the amoùnt of eggs + sùgar!
- Yoù will know its done becaùse when yoù lift the whisk ùp oùt of the mix it shoùld leave a trail for a coùple of seconds before disappearing!
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Get the Fùll Recipe >> janespatisserie.com
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