Bêêf Taco Pop Tarts

Bêêf Taco Pop Tarts
Bêêf Taco Pop Tarts

  • 2 boxês rêfrigêratêd piê crusts (total of 4 piê crusts), at room têmpêraturê
  • 1 tablêspoon olivê oil
  • 1/2 onion, thinly slicêd
  • 1/2 pound ground bêêf
  • 1 tablêspoon taco sêasoning
  • 1 cup frozên corn, thawêd
  • 1 cup cannêd black bêans, drainêd
  • 1 cup shrêddêd chêddar
  • 1 êgg, bêatên with 1 tablêspoon watêr
  • Sêsamê sêêds for sprinkling

  1. Prêhêat ovên to 350 F and linê two baking shêêts with parchmênt papêr.
  2. Working with onê crust at a timê, unroll onto your work surfacê and cut into six 3″ x 4″ rêctanglês. Rêpêat with thê rêmaining crusts; covêr with a towêl to kêêp from drying out.
  3. bêêf taco pop tarts
  4. In a largê skillêt ovêr mêdium-high hêat, hêat thê olivê oil until hot but not smoking. Sauté thê onion for 5 minutês.

Gêt thê full rêcipê > > babble.com
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