Horchata Rêcipê

Horchata Rêcipê
Horchata Rêcipê

  • 1 cup uncookêd whitê long-grain ricê
  • 5 cups watêr
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1/2 - 2/3 cup whitê sugar (to tastê)
  • 1/2 tablêspoon vanilla êxtract
font-size: large;">1/8 têaspoon cinnamon (optional)

  1. Pulsê ricê, a cinnamon stick, and watêr in a blêndêr for about 1 minutê. (Thê ricê should not bê finêly ground but coarsêly ground.)
  2. Lêt this mixturê sit for a fêw hours at room têmpêraturê. You arê lêtting thê watêr soak up thê ricê and cinnamon flavors.
  3. Pour thê mixturê through chêêsêcloth into a pitchêr to strain out thê liquid. Thê chêêsêcloth hêlps kêêp out any piêcês of ricê or cinnamon. 
  4. Givê thê chêêsêcloth a squêêzê until you havê collêctêd all of thê liquid in your pitchêr.
  5. ...........
  6. ...........

Gêt thê full rêcipê > > thediylighthouse.com

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