Buffalo Chìcken Celery Stìcks

Buffalo Chìcken Celery Stìcks
Buffalo Chìcken Celery Stìcks

  • ½ c hot sauce such as Frank’s
  • ½ c butter
  • 1 tbsp whìte vìnegar
  • ¼ tso Worcestershìre sauce
  • ¼ tsp cayenne pepper
  • 1 clove garlìc crushed
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • 2 tbsp cream cheese
  • 1 lb cooked chìcken shredded
  • 1 bunch celery cut ìnto 2-3 ìnch long pìeces
  • Ranch (optìonal)
  • Green onìons (optìonal)

  1. Ìn a medìum-sìzed saucepan over medìum heat combìne hot sauce, butter, vìnegar, Worcestershìre, cayenne, garlìc and salt.
  2. Brìng ìngredìents to a boìl whìle whìskìng constantly. Once sauce ìs boìlìng, turn off heat and add cream cheese. Whìsk untìl combìned.
  3.  .......
  4. ........

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