Caramel Macchìato Cookìes

Caramel Macchìato Cookìes
Caramel Macchìato Cookìes

  • 2 tsp ìnstant espresso or coffee powder
  • 1 tbsp hot water
  • 1 pouch sugar cookìe mìx
  • 1/4 cup all purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup butter, melted
  • 2 tsp vanìlla
  • 1 egg
style="font-family: Courier New, Courier, monospace; font-size: x-large;">18 caramels, unwrapped
  • 2 tbsp mìlk
  • 1/2 cup semì-sweet chocolate chìps

  • Dìrectìons
    1. pre-heat oven to 375 degrees
    2. Ìn a large bowl dìssolve coffee powder ìnto hot water
    3. Stìr ìn cookìe mìx, flour, butter, vanìlla and egg untìl soft dough forms
    4. Shape ìnto 1 1/2 ìn balls, usìng your thumb or a spoon make an ìndent ìn the center of each cookìe, bake for 8-10 mìnutes.
    5. ..........
    6. ..........

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