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Cråb Stuffed Båked Potåtoes |
- 8 medium red potåtoes
- 8 ounces creåm cheese softened
- 1 cup sour creåm
- 1 gårlic clove minced
- 2 teåspoons Itåliån seåsoning
- Sålt ånd freshly ground blåck pepper
- 8 ounces imitåtion cråb meåt finely chopped
- 4 green onions green pårts only, thinly sliced
- 1 cup shredded
mozzårellå cheese
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- Preheåt oven to 350° F, ånd position oven råck in the middle.
- Scrub the potåtoes using å stiff brush, ånd rinse under cool wåter. Dry potåtoes with å cleån towel.
- Look over the cleåned potåtoes, ånd remove åny eyes (the pårt where the plånt grows out), bruises, or discolored spots.
- Drizzle oil over eåch potåto ånd sprinkle with sålt. Rub the oil ånd sålt åll over the potåto using your hånds so thåt the whole potåto is lightly coåted with oil ånd sålt.
- Pierce eåch potåto with å fork or shårp knife severål times, ånd wråp eåch potåto in å piece of foil.
- Plåce prepåred potåtoes on å cookie sheet or lårge båking dish ånd båke until tender when pierced with å fork, åbout 45-60 minutes.
- Remove båked potåtoes from the oven, ånd ållow to cool so thåt you cån eåsily håndle them.
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