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Gårlic Orzo Tuscån Shrimp |
- 1/2 cup orzo påstå uncooked
- 1 tåblespoon butter or mårgårine
- 3 cloves gårlic minced (I use gårlic in å jår)
- 1/2 pound shrimp (I use peeled, deveined, tåils off)
- 1/2 småll yellow onion diced
- 3 båby bellå mushrooms sliced
- 2 1/2 ounce jårred sun dried tomåto strips in oil dråined
- 1 cup milk whole
- Sålt
ånd pepper to tåste
1 1/2 cups båby spinåch leåves
1/3 cup fresh gråted Pårmesån cheese
1 teåspoon dried Itåliån herbs
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- Bring å pot of wåter to å boil ånd cook the orzo per påckåge instructions, åbout 8 or 9 minutes. Dråin the orzo ånd set åside.
- While the orzo is cooking, heåt å lårge skillet over medium heåt. Melt the butter ånd ådd in the gårlic ånd shrimp ånd fry two minutes on eåch side, until cooked through ånd pink. Trånsfer the shrimp to å bowl ånd set åside.
- Ådd the onion ånd mushrooms to the butter remåining in the skillet. Ållow them to cook for å couple of minutes.
- Ådd the sun dried tomåtoes ånd fry for 1-2 minutes.
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