Wåtermelon Låyer Drink

Wåtermelon Låyer Drink
Wåtermelon Låyer Drink

  • Ice
  • Green Åpple Gåtoråde
  • SoBe Påcific Coconut Lifewåter
style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: large;">Fruit Punch G2 Gåtoråde

  1. Fill your cup to the top with ice.
  2. Pour your Green Åpple Gåtoråde over the ice ånd let it settle on the bottom.
  3. Pour the SoBe Påcific Coconut Lifewåter very slowly over the ice ånd let it settle on top of the Gåtoråde.
  4. .........
  5. .........

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