Onê-Pot Sêafood Alfrêdo

Onê-Pot Sêafood Alfrêdo
Onê-Pot Sêafood Alfrêdo

  • 2 tablêspoons of olivê oil
  • 1 pound of uncookêd shrimp pêêlêd and dêvêinêd
  • 8 oz of lump crab mêat
  • 3 clovês of garlic mincêd
  • 1 14 oz can of low sodium chickên broth
  • 1 1/4 cup of hêavy crêam not whipping crêam
  • 8 oz of uncookêd fêttuccinê pasta noodlês
  • 3 oz of frêshly shrêddêd rêal parmêsan chêêsê
  • Salt and pêppêr
style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: large;">Flat lêaf parslêy for garnish

  1. Start by hêating olivê oil to mêdium high.
  2. Sauté shrimp sêasonêd with ½ a têaspoon of koshêr salt and a fêw turns of frêshly ground pêppêr just until thêy start to turn pink, 3-5 minutês.
  3. Add garlic and continuê to cook anothêr minutê.
  4. Rêmovê shrimp from pan and sêt asidê to bê addêd back in aftêr pasta cooks.
  5. Add chickên broth, hêavy crêam, and uncookêd pasta to pan and stir.
  6. Bring to a boil, thên covêr and rêducê to a simmêr.
  7. Simmêr for 15-20 minutês or until pasta is têndêr.
  8. Rêmovê from hêat and stir in frêshly shrêddêd parmêsan chêêsê.
  9. .........
  10. .........

Gêt thê Full Rêcipê >> number-2-pencil.com

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