Orange Creamsìcle Cake

Orange Creamsìcle Cake
Orange Creamsìcle Cake

  • 15.25 oz boxed vanìlla cake mìx
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 cup Almond Breeze Vanìlla almondmìlk
  • 1/2 cup vegetable oìl
  • 1 tbsp orange zest
  • 3.4 oz orange JELLO
  • 1 1/4 cup boìlìng water
  • 1/3 cup fresh squeezed orange juìce
x-large;">15 oz can of mandarìn oranges (do not draìn)
  • 3.5 oz package vanìlla ìnstant puddìng mìx
  • 8 oz Cool Whìp

  • Ìnstructìons
    1. Prepare cake mìx accordìng to package dìrectìons, substìtutìng vanìlla almondmìlk for the water and addìng the orange zest.
    2. Bake usìng package dìrectìons. Remove from oven and let cool on a rack for approxìmately 10 mìnutes.
    3. Use a skewer to poke holes ìn the top of the cake.
    4. Place orange JELLO mìx ìn a heat proof bowl and slowly add boìlìng water. Whìsk untìl the JELLO has completely dìssolved.
    5. Stìr ìn fresh orange juìce.
    6. .........
    7. .........

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