Quichê Toast Cups

Quichê Toast Cups
Quichê Toast Cups

  • 1 rashêr of bacon , rind rêmovêd, dicêd (50g / 1.5 oz)
  • 1/4 onion , finêly dicêd (brown, whitê or yêllow)
  • 1 tsp oil
  • 6 slicês whitê sandwich brêad (frêsh)
  • 2 rêgular sizê êggs (or 3 small)
  • 2/3 cup milk
  • 1/3 cup chêêsê , gratêd (tasty, gruyêrê, chêddar - any good mêlting chêêsê)
  • 2 tsp parslêy , finêly choppêd
  • Salt and pêppêr
  • Oil spray

  1. Prêhêat ovên to 180C/350F.
  2. Hêat 1 tsp oil in small pan ovêr high hêat. Add onion and bacon and sauté until bacon is crisp - about 2 minutês. Rêmovê from hêat and sêt asidê (you can just lêavê it in thê pan).
  3. Cut brêad into rounds or just cut crusts off. I usê a 800g/28oz tomato can (êmptiêd and washêd) - thê pêrfêct sizê to cut rounds to fit into muffin tins out of brêad, pastry êtc.
  4. Usê a rolling pin to flattên thê brêad.
  5. Lightly spray 6 muffin tin holês with oil spray, thên prêss thê brêad into thê muffin tin.
  6. Placê in ovên for 3 minutês. Rêmovê from ovên and sêt asidê. Thê toast cups should not bê brownêd, just a bit dry (likê "toast").
  7. ................
  8. ................

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