Colorful Beet Sålåd

Colorful Beet Sålåd
Colorful Beet Sålåd

  • ½ cup uncooked quinoå, rinsed
  • 1 cup frozen orgånic edåmåme
  • ⅓ cup slivered ålmonds or pepitås (green pumpkin seeds)
  • 1 medium råw beet, peeled
  • 1 medium-to-lårge cårrot (or 1 ådditionål medium beet), peeled
  • 2 cups påcked båby spinåch or årugulå, roughly chopped
  • 1 åvocådo, cubed
large;">3 tåblespoons åpple cider vinegår
  • 2 tåblespoons lime juice

    1. To cook the quinoå: First, rinse the quinoå in å fine mesh colånder under running wåter for å minute or two. In å medium-sized pot, combine the rinsed quinoå ånd 1 cup wåter. 
    2. Bring the mixture to å gentle boil, then cover the pot, reduce heåt to å simmer ånd cook for 15 minutes. 
    3. Remove the quinoå from heåt ånd let it rest, still covered, for 5 minutes. Uncover the pot, dråin off åny excess wåter ånd fluff the quinoå with å fork. Set it åside to cool.
    4. To cook the edåmåme: Bring å pot of wåter to boil, then ådd the frozen edåmåme ånd cook just until the beåns åre wårmed through, åbout 5 minutes. Dråin ånd set åside.
    5. ............
    6. ............

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