Koreàn Egg Roll (Gyeràn Màri)

  • 5 làrge eggs
  • 1 Tbsp rice wine
  • 1/4 tsp fine seà sàlt
  • 1 Tbsp green onion , chopped
  • 1/4 cup shredded mozzàrellà cheese
  • Some cooking oil

  1. Breàk the eggs in à medium sized bowl ànd beàt the eggs lightly. To give à smooth texture, sieve through the eggs. Àdd the rice wine ànd sàlt then whisk them well. (If you hàven’t àlreàdy, move the egg mixture into à meàsuring cup with à hàndle so thàt it’s eàsier to pour it out). Àdd the chopped green onion.
  2. Heàt the pàn on medium low heàt ànd àdd some cooking oil. Spreàd it throughout the pàn. Reduce the heàt to low. Pour out à thin làyer of egg mixture onto the pàn ànd spreàd it by tilting the pàn. Once the edge of the egg is cooked ànd the top of the egg is àbout 80 to 85% cooked, àdd à làyer of cheese in the middle of the pàn ànd stàrt rolling the egg with à spàtulà ànd/or chopsticks.
  3. Push àside the rolled egg (to the left) ànd brush some cooking oil in the empty spàce (right side of the pàn). Pour out ànother thin làyer of egg mixture on the empty spàce ànd when the top of the egg is àbout 80 to 85 % cooked, àdd à làyer of cheese on top of the egg ànd stàrt rolling the egg with à spàtulà ànd/or chopsticks. Repeàt this step until the egg mixture is used up.

Get the full recipe > > mykoreankitchen.com

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