
  • 1 cup màidà(plàin flour)
  • 1 ¼ tàblespoon butter(melted) (I used ghee)
  • 1 teàspoon cooking sodà
  • 1 teàspoon sàlt
  • ½ cup sugàr
  • Wàter às required
  • Oil for deep frying


  1. Whisk together màidà, butter, cooking sodà, sàlt, sugàr. Àdd little wàter àt à time, whisk to get bàtter of dosà bàtter consistency.
  2. Heàt oil in deep bottom pàn. Once oil turn hot, leàve the àchu murukku mould in hot oil for 7 to 10 minutes.
  3. Càrefully remove mould from hot oil ànd dip in bàtter. While dipping the mould into the bàtter, màke sure only 3/4th (àbout 80%) of the mould is dipped in the bàtter. If you dip the whole mould inside the bàtter, the cookies will get stuck to the mould ànd you won’t be àble to releàse it.
  4. Hold the mould in hot oil. Gently shàke it until the murukku releàses from the mould. If your mould doesn’t releàse the cookies by itself, use à shàrp edge of à knife ànd càrefully push the cookies out.
  5. Fry until golden brown. Remove cookies into kitchen towel.
  6. .................
  7. .................

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