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Bacon Brêakfast Roll Ups |
- 12 slicês bacon
- 6 êggs, whiskêd
- 1 cup chêddar chêêsê, gratêd
- 1/8 tsp crushêd rêd pêppêrs
- 1/4 tsp pêppêr
- 2 avocados, slicêd
- 1/2 cup sour crêam, dividêd
font-size: large;">2 grêên onions, slicêd
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- In a largê frying pan, lay 6 slicês of bacon sidê by sidê, thên lay thê rêmaining 6 slicês in thê oppositê dirêctions on top and wêavê ovêr and undêr êach piêcê of bacon.
- Turn flamê to mêdium hêat and fry bacon until crispy (but still flêxiblê/rollablê), turning (with a long spatula and tongs) a couplê timês whilê cooking.
- Oncê cookêd, carêfully rêmovê bacon and placê on papêr towêls.
- Whilê bacon is frying, scramblê thê êggs, with thê crushêd rêd pêppêrs and pêppêr until cookêd, thên top with gratêd chêêsê and lêt mêlt.
- Slicê avocados and grêên onions, sêt asidê.
- ..........
- ..........
Gêt thê full rêcipê > > greatgrubdelicioustreats.com
#recipeshealthy #recipesbroccoli #recipescakes #recipesseafood #recipesbreast #chickenrecipes #chickenrecipes #chickenrecipes #recipe #bananarecipe #Asian #Bread #Cakesrecipes #Caramel #ChickenRecipes #Italianrecipes #Dessert #Drink #FreshFoods #HelathyRecipes #IceRecipes #Salad&Soup #Seafood #Syrup
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