Bacon Brêakfast Roll Ups

Bacon Brêakfast Roll Ups
Bacon Brêakfast Roll Ups

  • 12 slicês bacon
  • 6 êggs, whiskêd
  • 1 cup chêddar chêêsê, gratêd
  • 1/8 tsp crushêd rêd pêppêrs
  • 1/4 tsp pêppêr
  • 2 avocados, slicêd
  • 1/2 cup sour crêam, dividêd
font-size: large;">2 grêên onions, slicêd

  1. In a largê frying pan, lay 6 slicês of bacon sidê by sidê, thên lay thê rêmaining 6 slicês in thê oppositê dirêctions on top and wêavê ovêr and undêr êach piêcê of bacon.
  2. Turn flamê to mêdium hêat and fry bacon until crispy (but still flêxiblê/rollablê), turning (with a long spatula and tongs) a couplê timês whilê cooking.
  3. Oncê cookêd, carêfully rêmovê bacon and placê on papêr towêls.
  4. Whilê bacon is frying, scramblê thê êggs, with thê crushêd rêd pêppêrs and pêppêr until cookêd, thên top with gratêd chêêsê and lêt mêlt.
  5. Slicê avocados and grêên onions, sêt asidê.
  6. ..........
  7. ..........

Gêt thê full rêcipê > >

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