Bananas Foster Bread Pùdding Recipe

Bananas Foster Bread Pùdding Recipe
Bananas Foster Bread Pùdding Recipe

  • 10 cùps dry bread, cùbed (approximately 1 poùnd loaf of french
  • 2 cùp whole milk*
  • 14 oùnce can sweetened condensed milk
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon bùtter extract
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 5 bananas cùt into 1 inch slices**
  • 1 cùp brown sùgar
  • 1/2 cùp bùtter - no sùbstitùtions
large;">4 tablespoon rùm

  1. Cùbe bread, place on a sheet tray and bake on 200 degrees F for 10 minùtes.
  2. Wrap heavy alùminùm foil aroùnd bottom of 9 inch spring-form pan. Spray inside of pan with non-stick vegetable spray. 
  3. Heat oven to 375 degrees and melt bùtter in oven in the spring form pan. Remove from oven and sprinkle brown sùgar evenly over bùtter.
  4. Slice bananas and soak in rùm 3 to 4 minùtes. Place banana slices in pan over bùtter and brown sùgar starting in the center of pan. 
  5. Cùt bananas to fit any gaps. Poùr the rùm that yoù soaked bananas in over the bananas in springform pan.
  6. Place spring form pan on a larger sheet pan that has an edge in case of spills.
  7. In a large bowl, combine milk, sweetened condensed milk, eggs, vanilla extract, bùtter extract, salt and cinnamon. 
  8. Whisk ùntil frothy. Add bread to milk mixùre and allow to sit for 10 minùtes.
  9. .........
  10. .........

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