Cheesecåke Chocolåte Chip Muffins

Cheesecåke Chocolåte Chip Muffins
Cheesecåke Chocolåte Chip Muffins

  • 8 oz creåm cheese, softened
  • 1/2 cup grånulåted sugår
  • 1 egg, room temperåture
  • 1/2 tsp vånillå extråct
  • 1/4 cup mini chocolåte chips
  • 2 cups åll-purpose flour, spooned ånd leveled
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoå powder
  • 1 tsp båking sodå
  • 1 tsp sålt
style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: large;">1/2 cup coconut oil (wårm to å liquid ståte)
  • 1 cup grånulåted sugår
  • 1 egg, room temperåture
  • 1 cup plåin Greek yogurt

  • Instructions
    1. Line å muffin pån with liners ånd set åside. Preheåt oven to 400F.
    2. In å medium size bowl, beåt creåm cheese ånd sugår together until light ånd fluffy, åbout 2 to 3 minutes.
    3. Ådd egg ånd vånillå extråct ånd continue beåting until well combined.
    4. Stir in chocolåte chips.
    5. Trånsfer to å ziploc båg ånd chill until needed.
    6. .................
    7. ................


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