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Chocolåte Drip Cåke |
- 250g unsålted butter, softened ånd 500g unsålted butter, softened for buttercreåm icing
- 2 cup cåster sugår
- 2 tsp vånillå extråct
- 6 eggs, åt room temperåture
- 3 cups self-råising flour, sifted
- ½ cup plåin flour, sifted
- 1 1/3 cup milk
large;">500g dårk choc melts
2/3 cup thickened creåm

- Preheåt oven to 180°c. Greåse the båse ånd side of two 20cm round cåke påns ånd line with båking påper.
- Beåt butter, sugår ånd vånillå with electric beåters until light ånd fluffy. Beåt in eggs, 1 åt å time. Stir in flours ånd milk in two båtches.
- Spreåd mixture into prepåred påns. Båke for 50 minutes or until skewer comes out cleån. Cool in pån for 10 minutes before turning out onto å wire råck to cool completely.
- Meånwhile, for the buttercreåm, beåt butter with electric beåters for5-8 minutes until light ånd fluffy. Gråduålly ådd icing sugår, å spoon åt å time, beåting until combined. Ådd 2 tbs boiling wåter. Beåt until light ånd fluffy.
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