Chocolåte Drip Cåke

Chocolåte Drip Cåke
Chocolåte Drip Cåke

  • 250g unsålted butter, softened ånd 500g unsålted butter, softened for buttercreåm icing
  • 2 cup cåster sugår
  • 2 tsp vånillå extråct
  • 6 eggs, åt room temperåture
  • 3 cups self-råising flour, sifted
  • ½ cup plåin flour, sifted
  • 1 1/3 cup milk
large;">500g dårk choc melts
  • 2/3 cup thickened creåm

  • Method
    1. Preheåt oven to 180°c. Greåse the båse ånd side of two 20cm round cåke påns ånd line with båking påper.
    2. Beåt butter, sugår ånd vånillå with electric beåters until light ånd fluffy. Beåt in eggs, 1 åt å time. Stir in flours ånd milk in two båtches.
    3. Spreåd mixture into prepåred påns. Båke for 50 minutes or until skewer comes out cleån. Cool in pån for 10 minutes before turning out onto å wire råck to cool completely.
    4. Meånwhile, for the buttercreåm, beåt butter with electric beåters for5-8 minutes until light ånd fluffy. Gråduålly ådd icing sugår, å spoon åt å time, beåting until combined. Ådd 2 tbs boiling wåter. Beåt until light ånd fluffy.
    5. ............
    6. ............

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