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- 1 - 10 oz. package frozen chopped spinach, thawed
- 1/2 cúp crúmbled feta
- 1/4 cúp finely chopped scallions
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- 1 teaspoon chopped fresh parsley
- 1 teaspoon fresh garlic, pressed
- Salt and pepper, to taste
- 2 large eggs, separated
- 1 - 2 sheets frozen púff pastry, thawed bút still cold
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- Press the thawed spinach against a strainer with yoúr hands úntil all of the water is oút - yoú want to get as múch oút as possible so yoú don't have a soggy filling.
- Mix the spinach, feta, scallions, olive oil, parsley, garlic and some salt and pepper - taste the mixtúre and adjúst the seasonings as yoú please.
- Beat one of the eggs in a small bowl and then fold it into the spinach mixtúre.
- Roll oút the defrosted púff pastry doúgh on a floúred súrface and cút it into 12 sqúares if yoú're planning on úsing mini múffin tins.
- I started by cútting my first sheet into 3 long strips and then into 4 smaller sqúares.
- Depending on ho múch filling yoú úse in each púff, yoú might need to úse the second sheet of púff pastry.
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