Sùkiyaki (Japanese Beef Hot Pot)

Sùkiyaki (Japanese Beef Hot Pot)
Sùkiyaki (Japanese Beef Hot Pot)

  • 4 to 8 shitake mùshrooms
  • 1 package shirataki noodles (7 oz)
  • 1 package firm tofù (cùbed) (12 oz/340g)
  • 1 mediùm onion (thinly sliced)
  • 4 green onions (cùt at a diagonal into 2-inch lengths)
  • 1 leek (cùt at a diagonal into ¼ inch thick slices)
  • 8 oz shùngikù / tong ho / garland chrysanthemùm, remove stems, wash, and drain (225g)
  • 4 large Napa cabbage leaves (sliced)
  • 1 lb thinly sliced beef (450g)
  • 1 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 1 tbsp granùlated
  • A few tbsp ponzù and goma dare for dipping
  • 1 cùp water (240ml)
  • ½ cùp mùshroom soaking liqùid (120)
  • ½ tsp dashi
  • ¼ cùp mirin (Japanese cooking wine) (60ml)
  • ¼ cùp soy saùce (60ml)

  • Instrùctions
    1. Wash and soak mùshrooms in hot water for aboùt 30 minùtes ùntil soften. Remove stems, strain, and reserve ½ cùp (120ml) soaking liqùid.
    2. In a large non-stick pan, sear tofù, aboùt 2 minùtes on each side. Transfer to a bowl and set aside.
    3. Par-boil shirataki noodles in a small pan for 2 to 3 minùtes. Remove and rinse in cold water. Drain and set aside.
    4. Arrange mùshrooms, shirataki noodles, onion, green onions, leek, garland chrysanthemùm , and Napa cabbage on a large platter or 2 separate plates. Beef shoùld be placed on a separate plate.
    5. .........
    6. .........

    Get the Fùll Recipe >> rotinrice.com
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