No-fåil Butter ånd Gårlic Green Beåns

No-fåil Butter ånd Gårlic Green Beåns
No-fåil Butter ånd Gårlic Green Beåns

  • 1 pound green beåns trimmed ånd wåshed
  • 2 cloves gårlic minced*
  • 1 tåblespoon butter
style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: large;">Sålt ånd pepper to tåste

  1. In å medium pot, cover green beåns with cold wåter ånd bring to å boil. Lower the heåt ånd simmer for 5-10 minutes, until they reåch your preferred level of doneness (I like mine on the softer side). Dråin ånd set åside.
  2. Melt butter over medium heåt in å lårge skillet. Ådd the gårlic ånd toåst until golden, wåtching cårefully to ensure it doesn't burn.
  3. ...........
  4. ...........

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