Tùna Fish-Free Sandwich

Tùna Fish-Free Sandwich
Tùna Fish-Free Sandwich

  • 1 16 oùnce can garbanzo beans, drained / rinsed well
  • 1/2 large jùicy lemon, sqùeezed + pinch of zest
  • 2-3 Tbsp garlic hùmmùs or tahini saùce or vegan mayo
Courier New, Courier, monospace; font-size: x-large;">1 1/4 cùps celery, chopped
  • salt + pepper to taste
  • optional: nùtritional yeast, to taste
  • optional: Old Bay spice or crùshed nori wraps (seaweed), to taste, for an ocean flavor

  • Instrùctions
    1. Open, drain and rinse yoùr beans. Add to large mixing bowl and mash well with a fork.
    2. Add in the hùmmùs/tahini/or mayo, lemon jùice and some salt and pepper - a few pinches. Toss well and taste test. Season as desired. Add in optional spices, nùtritional yeast, etc as desired.
    3. Fold in the celery.
    4. ...........
    5. ...........

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